1-630-347-6333 scain@corplearning.com

About DISC Professional Styles
Creator Dr. Susan Cain

Welcome to DISC Professional Styes! I am a licensed psychotherapist, author, and university professor. Several years ago, I assembled a small group of graduate students, statisticians, and graphic designers to create the world’s most accessible and easy-to-administer DISC assessment. The result is the DISC Professional Styles Assessment. I enjoy watching new clients discover DISC, and helping existing clients grow their practice.

We have created the DISC Professional Styles Assessment and workbook, the DISC Team Report, and a growing list of job aids and helpful materials you can find right here, on our website.

I am dedicated to helping you use DISC successfully – LET ME KNOW HOW I CAN HELP! To find out more about me, see my LinkedIn profile here.  

Dr. Susan Cain, LCSW
(630) 347.6333

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